Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Nikora's favourite farm

It was cool at Mrs Prices' farm, and I liked the farm. At morning tea we had pikelets but there was my favourite food which is strawberries - I love fruit, all of them!

I liked it because we had all of the nice things like pancakes, fruit and the strawberries.

By Nikora


  1. Mrs P3/11/09

    Nikora, I love strawberries too. Weren't you lucky to be able to have yummy food as well as visiting Mrs Price's farm?

  2. Miss Sarah5/11/09

    Nikora! guess what?! the first strawberries are getting ripe on my little plants in my garden. Maybe you could ask your Mum to plant some too! They taste DELICIOUS! Mmmm!

  3. Gaylyn12/11/09

    Hey Nikora what about the animals did you enjoy them aswell or were to busy enjoying the treats. cool though I love strawberries. mmmm

  4. Aunty Dallas13/11/09

    Hi Nikora sounds like you had a good time, especially all the yummy food.
