Tuesday, November 03, 2009

10 things an egg would never do!

1 Rob a bank

2 Run to you

3 Play with you

4 Get a gun

5 Get a car by itself

6 an egg will not say "I want to make a war!"

7 It won't fly!

8 It won't buy a pet

9 The egg will not talk.

10 The egg won't say to it's mum "Can I come out?"


  1. Mrs P3/11/09

    Brandon - what a great imagination you have to think up all those things that an egg wouldn't do.

  2. michael4/11/09

    your ideas are funny well done

  3. Miss Bry5/11/09

    Hi Brandon!
    I've done numbers 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10. Which means I must not be an egg! (that's the best news I've had all day)
    Thanks buddy.

  4. Keep up the good work you guys! This is awesome. Cheers from Sweden!

