Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thank you!

Thanks for reading our blogs over the last few months.

Our school has been closed down and all of us kids are back at mainstream schools again.

We loved the time we had at Waimokoia. We're glad for the friends we made, and the ways that each of us learnt to make good choices about our behaviour. We will make it through!

If you'd like to keep in contact, then you can email Sarah ( ... it'd be cool to stay in touch!

With love,
us X X X X X X X

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My day as A farmer (1850's)

Oh...there goes my alarm...time to get up.
I go outside to feed the animals.
First I feed the sheep and next it’s the pig and the cow and the chooks.
Yesterday I dug the soil in the paddock so today I must plant some veggies.
I want to grow some potatoes and carrots and tomatoes.
After I finish work my wife cooks my food. I go to sleep in my hut.

By Luke

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our community is changing

Howick Historical Village showed us what life was like here in our community 150 years ago. Life has changed a lot from those tent days, when we all made our own butter, and had chooks running around. Check out the technology counter above. What will life be like in another 150 years? What about in only 5 years time?

Communities constantly change. Is ours getting better or worse? What are YOUR thoughts?

Sunday, November 08, 2009

How to make butter in the olden days

Making butter is cool because its is nice to eat and you use it for cooking.

You will need:
* 250ml cream
* butter churn
* salt
* water

1 First you put cream in the butter churn.
2 Then spin the top of the butter churn to mix it.
3 Tip the buttermilk out of the churn.
4 Put fresh water in the churn to clean the butter.
5 Tip out the water then it’s done.

By Brandon and Matthew
(WALT write instructions.)

Howick Historical Village

Room 6 learning task:
WALT use to create digital effects to photos.
Create a funpix image showing an activity at Howick Historical Village.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Miss Goose at Howick Historical Village

Room 6 learning task:
WALT use to create captions on our photos.
Create a funny caption for a photo at Howick Historical Village, then upload it to our blog.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

10 things an egg would never do

10 things an egg would never do

1 Kill some random guy on the street.

2 Get to the top of maths challenge.

3 Say to the Easter bunny can I have my baby brother now.

4 It wouldn’t beat Crimson Buck.

5 It wouldn’t beat a Juice Box.

6 It can’t write this list.

7 Run away and join the circus.

8 Eat his baby brother.

9 Rob a car and run over people.

10 Fight Brandon and win.

By Matthew

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

10 things an egg would never do!

1 Rob a bank

2 Run to you

3 Play with you

4 Get a gun

5 Get a car by itself

6 an egg will not say "I want to make a war!"

7 It won't fly!

8 It won't buy a pet

9 The egg will not talk.

10 The egg won't say to it's mum "Can I come out?"

10 things an egg would never doooooo!

1 run to its mother and say can I come out now

2 crack up a joke

3 jump off a trampoline

4 say to its mate 'what up?'

5 say to it's sister 'eggcellent'

6 it would never be a ninja

7 it would never eat egg salad

8 it would never beat big brown bear

9 it would never eat chicken

10 it would never be in school

by Kaitlyn