Friday, October 30, 2009

ABC of chickens

A Annoying alarm
B Beak
C Claws
D Digging in the dust
E Eggs
F Feet
G Green grass
H Hens
I Insect
J Jump
K King of the kernels
L Lay
M Mating
N Nest
O Orange
P Pecking
Q Quill
R Roosters running around
S Seeds
T Tail
U Up high to sleep
V Vegetables
W Wings
X Xray (candling)
Y Yolk
Z Zoo

By Michael

We're glad you're checking out our new blog!

Room 6 is totally rapt with Term 4's topic - we're studying all about chickens, eggs, roosters, communities and later on we'll be looking at groups of people too. We're going to have little eggs hatching into chicks - how totally cool!

Our big question is 'What does a community need to be healthy and successful?'

We hope you'll enjoy reading our blog of all the cool things we'll learn over this coming term, and seeing images of what we've been up to!

Be sure to leave us a comment!

- from the guys n gals in Room 6